
Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)



-------- 元のメッセージ --------
件名: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: null

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of permanent failure:
Your mail message format is invalid; please try again.

----- Original message -----

Received: by xx.xx.xx.xx with SMTP id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Fri, 07 May 2010 05:42:56 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Received: from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [xx.xx.xx.xx])
by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with ESMTP id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.0.2010.;
Fri, 07 May 2010 05:42:56 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass (xxxxxxxxxxxx: domain of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx designates xx.xx.xx.xx as permitted sender) client-ip=xx.xx.xx.xx;
Authentication-Results: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; spf=pass (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: domain of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdesignates xx.xx.xx.xx as permitted sender) smtp.mail=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Received: from localhost by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with ESMTP
id <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlocalhost>
for <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Fri, 7 May 2010 21:42:53 +0900
Subject: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: fk _2000 <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2010 21:42:50 +0900
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
MIME-Version: 1.0

----- End of message -----


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